
Monday, 29 December 2014

4 Best IAP-proof Kids iOS Games

IAP stands for In-App-Purchases. It is one kind of system that exists in some of the free iOS apps & games that enables users to purchase upgrades or features. 

Today, I am going to introduce some of the best IAP-proof iOS games for kids. These games do not include In-App-Purchases for sure which makes them perfect match for kids.

1) SweetLand — Family Board Game

2) Sushi Cat

3) Petting Zoo - Animal Animations

4) Minecraft – Pocket Edition


Sunday, 21 December 2014

Best 3 New iOS Games of Last Week

Lots of new iOS games were released last week on Apple app store.  In Current week, less games would be released compare to other busy weeks because of Christmas & New year.

Have a look at last week's best three new iOS games:

The Taekwondo Game - Global Tournament

Friday, 19 December 2014

Most Dominated iOS Apps & Games of 2014

Lots of great new iOS apps & games were released on Apple app store. Apple has already announced top apps of 2014.  Many popular tech blogs are also doing the same thing. They come up with top & best iPad/iPhone/iOS games for 2014 according to their own criteria.

I also want to present some of dominated iOS apps & games that has ruled out throughout 2014.

Here are most dominated iOS apps & games of 2014 by

Kim Kardashian Hollywood 

Download from iTunes

Halfbrick offers all its iOS Games for free in Holiday Season, Including Fruit Ninja & Jetpack Joyride

Halfbrick Studios is in holiday mood completely. They offer not one, not two but all ten iOS games for free. All of its iOS games are free to download from Apple app store for a limited time.

These games also include Gold Award-winning one-touch dodger Jetpack Joyride and the ever-popular Fruit Ninja.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

2014's Last Big Newly Released iOS Games

Some of the big & notable iOS games were released recently. After this week, iTunes & game developers will take a break for Christmas & new Year. They might be back in the first week of 2015 so,these game releases may be considered as last big newly released iOS games of 2014.

Let's have a look at these games:

Brother in Arms 3: Sons of War